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Jordan is the Founder of Contact Any Celebrity & CELEBRITY / PR.
He is a former ’90s high school video store clerk who turned his hobby of collecting autographs into a six-figure full-time business.
Jordan began his career as a public relations intern at CNN Center in Atlanta.
He also worked at a talent agency in Miami Beach, a film production company in Hollywood, and at a top-tier talent agency in Beverly Hills.
Jordan has been featured by ABC News, American Express, BBC, CNN, E! News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Forbes, Fox News, The Guardian, The Mirror (UK), New York Daily News, New York Post, Newsweek, Tim Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek,” The Wrap, USA Today, and other local, national and international media.
He is the author of “Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets to Getting Celebrity Endorsements, Instant Credibility, and Star-Powered Publicity,” “Secrets to Contacting Celebrities: 101 Ways to Reach the Rich and Famous,” and “The Celebrity Black Book: 55,000+ Celebrity Addresses For Fans, Businesses, and Nonprofits.”
Jordan holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication (English Literature and Motion Picture Business) from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.
He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and has lived and worked in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City.